
The Princess

Name Denise:D.
B-day 20th Nov.
School Don't wanna tell ya.
Age 13 .
Wants to learn how to Tango!
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Yi Zhen

January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
June 2009


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Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Princess ♥

Have you ever wondered how every car just stops and starts at the flash of a coloured light?
It seems as if the light commands the cars and makes them obey...

Or what about that time when you still had those condominiums and flats or books in your room? And you know which book goes where. And your mom asks you to clean it up.
you realise that your room is spick and span. now you want to get your homework done.
Oh dear, now where did I put my geography?

Or if that isn't good, then see this one :
You're walking and you swear you won't slip on the metal sewage cover.
And then you walk over it, carefully and gently,


Ouch.. it hurt your delicate lil' buttock.

Soo... my topic is...



Those tiny little cars,
all lined in a row,
and once the green light flashes,
everyone can go.

"pack up your room!",
mom yells to me,
and that I will do and did,
now where did I put geography?

I swear not to step on it,
that metal filled with water,
and then I step and slip,
falling down to my horror.

The Irony; oh the irony,
the sour and shameless breeze,
the irony; oh the irony,
without you; the world would be at ease.

ain't that right :D

Princess You
12:10 AM

♥ Friday, April 24, 2009

The Princess ♥

If anyone feels offended by what I'm about to say,

FUCK OFF dick heads!

Now on to my post, I was happy, until recently...

Hmm.... Think I overdid it? Like hell... pfft.... You can blog it on your own blog, but you didn't have tuh annouce it over the whole class blog like some prancing prep.

And I would've picked a MUCH nicer blog skin than you, bitch. If only a actually had the password, then hell yea I'd get a nice blogskin.

I'm not incapable. after all, I don't have to study for exams, and I never have anything to trouble myself about, so therefore I'd have waaay much more time to do the class blog than anyone here....

because, HEY GUESS WHAT?! everyone else is studying but me so i've got more time than you have, and I don't worry about studies and turn my hair white like you!

Next topic. Man... some people just can't take jokes. They have completely no sense of humour or at least some public morality.

aww... ain't that sweet, naming people on a public area that 50 over people visit, sure I have great honour, and perhaps some wring in this. but you think others didn't do the same??

They've complained longer than I have, and I get my honour crumbled.

thank you, bitch.

Anyway, bitch, suck it in or leave.

you're soooo not smart and you soo don't have friends.... you think they wanna be with some prancing blowjob like you? I don't think so. If you do feel hurt looking at this or you think that the BITCH should know about this,


Go ahead and cry to your mommy and complain about me. go ahead and tell that bitch about what I said about her. don't feel bad about approaching me and say


I'd feel very grateful. because she deserves to see this. it's called

a sociable manner of revenge for public humiliation.

Thank you for paying attention, dick-heads.

Princess You
7:27 PM

♥ Thursday, April 23, 2009

The Princess ♥

I know... I haven't blogged in like, forever... :S

Alright... Lemme get straight on with my poem.. on second thought... hmm... I dunno...

Those ugly little quankies,
their teeth are crooked,
and their mouths are dripping,
like the little noses next to their bed!

Those silly little quankies,
keeping those fluffy-eared chickens,
like the pride they see in those beasts,
they live off others like ferns!

Those naughty little quankies,
leaving glue on my chair,
slapping poopy cushions everywhere,
I'd give anything to find their lair!

Those playful little quankies,
flicking their snot all over,
flying like birds,
and dropping their droppings like winter!

Those fearful little quankies,
why I'd do anything to make them pay,
I'd love to see them in their hides,
shying away from the sight of day!

Those disgusting little quankies,
like cheetahs they ran,
and like shadows and imaginations,
they will keep away from the sight of man!

haha, I like this poem... XD

Princess You
5:44 AM

♥ Sunday, April 5, 2009

The Princess ♥

ok... I've finally been given a real challenge!

A POEM ON GUILT... :S I've never been guilty before, never... hmm...
Riny... I'm grateful, at the same time, gonna die.... hmm... guilt....
I don't know if this poem will sound like guilt, or just sorrow, but I'm giving it a shot...

A heavy stone had been put on her,
by law she would be deemed 'murderer',
she had to run; far away,
never to see the light of day.

She packed and left with the wind,
hoping never to be seen,
but like a scar on her skin,
she could never escape her sin.

Innocence grew a distance,
she knew in an instance,
justice would be served,
and indeed she was cornered.

She began to see illusions,
the dead had come for vengence,
she only saw crimson,
and her end beyond the horizon.

damn this sucks....

Princess You
2:21 AM

♥ Friday, April 3, 2009

The Princess ♥

Tango, the dance to the death, it sounds soo touching... I feel so sad, but it feels nice at the same time... T.T I think I'll write something on it.

The moon gazes on the earth,
the water sparkles like the stars,
in a garden of blue roses,
that carry the scent of you to me.

In a white dress on the hill,
a bouquet of flowers in my name,
ruffling of rose bushes in my ear,
it calms and soothes my soul.

The wind blows between my hair,
I await your return faithfully,
I see the plains that run for miles,
and it takes my breath away.

The silence is broken,
the tranquility is a stand-still,
the breeze engulfs my heart,
it paints the red sky in my mind.

The scent of you is near,
I turn to see your darkened face,
the distance was drawn farther,
and you walked closer.

The roses served as cellos,
the trees swayed like bassoons,
the wind sung like violins,
and soon we were in harmony.

Holding my hand you shelter me,
you take my waist and turn,
that moment was enthralling,
a passionate freedom of grace.

I was free from worry and doubt,
light as feathers I let my soul lose,
lovingly as swans on a full moon night,
gracefully I let my dress fly.

Turning on my feet,
and your hand there to guide me,
I had never felt so safe,
as your warmth took me.

But that was short-lived,
your touch turned stone-cold,
your crimson eyes closed softly,
and you drifted from me.

Your hands stained with red,
on the plains of roses so pure,
suddenly the world turned blue,
and the wind stood still.

I lay next to you,
tears running like raindrops,
whimpering like a hurt puppy,
my heart ripped to shreds.

I gazed at the sky,
the moon was covered by the clouds,
the wind had ran away,
and the scent of roses had turned sour.

I recalled my last moments,
I saw the memories of our love,
I listened for your voice in my ear,
and I knew I had to face it.

Our dance and silent music,
had bound and chained us together,
a world without you was ice,
the page was silent and blank.

And it is true as the stars,
that lovers are bound by a dance,
and that music was not needed,
Tango is a dance to the death.

Princess You
5:37 AM

♥ Thursday, April 2, 2009

The Princess ♥


I don't believe it!!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! I'm so excited! But first things first, there's maths test tomorrow, fuck maths, I wish it coulf jump off the building and die, can't we just know how to add and subtract and times and divide and be done with it?!


I mean, why can't letters just stay with letters and numbers with numbers?! sheesh!!

sighh... I'm not in the mood to do anything right now, I didn''t bring home my maths textbook so I'm kinda bored at he moment... hmm.....

muakakaka!!! I know!! Shaikha and I were using MY marker to do math on the whiteboard, I never knew I could do direct and inverse poportion once I got the hang of it.. A few questions and prompts by shaikha and I was like... aiyaa, chay... so easy one.... XDXD

But the calculation was a bit off... :S I couldn't calculate the thing without the calculator.. XDXD but I'm bored... I don't know wha to do... Oh yea! I still remember Shaikha was so angry at me last yearfor not studying that she stuffed my math textbook into my bag and ask me go home and study, at home I didn't even touch my bag.. XDXD And have I ever failed? Well not really, so that's good :DD!

hmm.... I'm so bored.... I love you mom and dad....

Aaaaaand, the exemplary TKGian goes toooo...... DENISE GOH of 2e1!!!

WHOOOO!!!! I'm so damn bored I've lost it...... XDXD

grrr... someone entertain mee!!!! >.<

Oh I know!!!!

Yesterday, I played an APRIL FOOLS joke on 2 guys!!!

ok it started out like this..

At first I had my period sao I couldn't go out and DYE THE WHOLE FREAKING SEA RED!!

So I sat in the motor boat with coach, then there was this guy(Let's call him Idiot since there are 2 boys involved) who was in the boat I was soo tempted to play it on him but he was steering the boat for coach(I have no freaking idea why)

And then he switched with some other guy(hmm... tough one, we'll call him Stupid) who was sailing.

So then Stupid was in the boat and for 15 whole minutes I was trying to get a chance to play the prank, he loks like a malay (but he's chinese) and he looks EMOTION-LESS!!! (I know, WTFH?!)

Anyway, when I got the courage to speak up(with NO help from Safiah who didn't want to be part of it)

Me : Um... you've got something on your leg...

Stupid : Really? Thanks...*looks down at his leg like some oblivious stupid fool*

Me: APRIL FOOLS!!(what a stupid ass!)*turns around*(didn't manage to see the look on his sour face T.T)

Then after that Idiot switched back onto the boat. HE WAS STEERING THE BOAT FOR LIKE, FOREVER!!!

And when we were on land and the truck was towing the boat back to it's "parking lot" I took my chance!!!

Me: Um.. you've got someything on your leg...(this doesn't get old... XD)

Idiot:REALLY?!*looks down like an idiot*

Me :APRIL FOOLS!!!!!!!!!! (muakakaka!!)

Idiot:*had the 'WTF' face* OH MAN! *hits bottle on side of boat* (Gullible.....-.-)

I HAD THE LAUGH OF MY TIME!!!! And also this one was damn shiok!

Me : um.. these people : --insert random names(about 14)-- I'm going to book you because you never do duty..

dunno who : what?! my duty is this friday sia!

another random person : what?!

whole class : what?! (silent shouts from afar saying ranges from "what the hell" to "what the fuck?!")

Me : APRIL FOOLS!!!!!! >:D

whole class : WHAT THE HELL LA!!!!! XDXD!!

muakakaak!!! I'm so evil sia... oh yea, and fuzzeh I haven't gotten over the 'ladybug' thing, it's still in my pencil case.... XD

Princess You
5:22 AM