
The Princess

Name Denise:D.
B-day 20th Nov.
School Don't wanna tell ya.
Age 13 .
Wants to learn how to Tango!
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Yi Zhen

January 2009
February 2009
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June 2009


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Saturday, February 28, 2009

The Princess ♥

I can't sleep!! everytime i close my eyes I see so much blood it's freaking me out!!
I can't calm down, I'm losing it!! Blood blood blood!! it's everywhere!!!

Princess You
8:10 AM

♥ Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The Princess ♥

ARGH!! There's no one giving me suggestions here... sighh.. I don't know what to write, but I just feel like blogging(WTH?!) haha, well.. life is complicated... ahh..RAWR!!! well..
um.. I don't know what to write on, and my day isn't very fufiling because oh i dunno,


gosh... pisses me off.. Z.Z soo tireddddd.... gwaah! hmm.. alright, i'll take one from last year's archive

A spark of white breaks the dawn,
a ball of fire ring in the eye,
the shimmer stars stop,
the flora and fauna wake.

An hour stops to heat,
the flame beats onto the ground,
all stay under shade,
but still moves across the sky.

The crimson sun sets,
a gold light spews from beyond,
the sparkle of water turn to dust,
the flora begin to sleep.

Alas! The shadows,
creeping up the horizon,
the light sliding off the floor,
begins the day once more.

Princess You
12:11 AM

♥ Monday, February 23, 2009

The Princess ♥

MWII!!!! I HATE MWII!!! thet people there are soo... retarded.. espcially a guy called MeltingIce, you're retarded and wierd!!! D:< and um... dunno where tuh start... well... I'm minimizing, but I can't think of anything to write about!! GOSH!! WTFH is wrong here?!
hmm... and if any of you guys have any idea how to put up pics, please tag....-.- I'm new to this whole "blogging" issue.. XDXD

hmm... SIGH... I'm outta things to write for today.. so um.. I'll just end it here... I'll need LOADS OF IDEAS!!! LOTS!! give me some suggestions!!!!

Princess You
1:44 AM

♥ Saturday, February 21, 2009

The Princess ♥

If i had sex and DID have a baby, I'd name them the following, some people like shaikha might already know this, but i changed the name for public viewing purposes..

If it was a girl... :S I'd name her Lena

If it was a guy. I'd name him(almost typed "her") HAHA here we goo... Robert ke-patrick'i splininder crak-a-lakin' mojojojo twicks!!

HAHA If it was a homo,
a girl : Dolly Travolta
a boy: John Parton XDXD

Well.. if i could have a husband HE HAS TO HAVE A NAME that has the name "Schneider" because that's the company that sells escalators..:P I HATE WALKING UP THE STAIRS!! So my husband will HAVE to build escalators because his name has the name "Schneider" in it XDXD!!!!

Well.. enough about fooling around... I supose the only reason you're here is not because of my sick jokes right? yea yea... everyone wants copyrighted and branded stuff.. HAHA

Well.. after all that I don't know if i can do anything...
I'll try

Well.. I can't think of anything... gimme some ideas i can write on by tagging it so.. I'll use one of my older ones

The night turns silent,
the grey abyss compliant,
the time has come,
dawn falls, all is done.

The frigid ice swoops around,
bringing all to the ground,
snow so black,
noon has left, guess who's back?

The shadow creep the floor,
hoping to devour more,
the silent speaks all,
dusk is here, run or fall!

The mountains listen to cries,
the lake once life now dies,
the flora and fauna hide,
come dusk, listen and abide.

this was from my other blog entry 2008. haha have fun ;D
I just love this poem so much!!!!!

Princess You
4:45 AM

♥ Friday, February 20, 2009

The Princess ♥

ahh... sweet serenity!!!

this should last me a while... i think.. I'm a very indecisive person. and um.. I'm still new to this..
Well.. I'll start with a nice poem, i think..

Be silent for this night,
just one night,
let me see the radiance,
one which no one has seen.

Hush now my baby,
let me dye this world,
this cruel world,
into a diamond's crimson.

There my little dove,
your soul is so pure,
how can i taint it,
how could i have such intentions.

Fret not my little rose,
your very sight is warmth,
the sights you lay on,
will be none other.

Shh.... don't disturb me.. I'm tired... GWAAH!!

Princess You
5:48 AM

♥ Saturday, February 14, 2009

The Princess ♥

I love D.grayman I i say Allen looks THE BEST with blue hair, like.. what his name again?? man I'm still new to it.. :S but whatever it is.. Lenalee should put on a longer uniform, that's for sure, makes her look fat.... haha I'm soo redundant!! and that was soo random.... XD well.. whatever it is.. I am GOOD BABEH! and happy valentine's day!!

Who am I to say no?
How can I stop myself?
When you look at me,
I see myself in the moon.

What is this feeling?
Can i possess it?
My heart is so confused,
the slightest touch to break.

Where did I get it from?
Do I know what it is?
When you hold me so close,
I lose control and fall.

When have i seen it before?
Should I stop and forget?
When I feel so much warmth,
I believe I've never seen before.

Why should I stop?
how can i just cease to halt?
don't leave me from now on,
you're the only one I need.

I tried not to make it too passionate or everyone'll start screaming at me like "DENISE!! WTFH IS THIS?! SO MUCH "ILLEGAL" WORDS!!" and I'm dead...X.X haha happy valentine's day!! MUACKS TO ALL AND...

Double MUACKS to you my special friend ;)

Princess You
5:20 AM

♥ Thursday, February 5, 2009

The Princess ♥

what the hell?! what am I, a TRAMP?! I feel like an asshole right now...-.- T.T well.. anyways.. I've got the worse cold EVER!!! I'm coughing and sniffing and there isn't anyon to comfort me... I'm so sad..... I'm about to cry my eyes out.

As the tears that my eyes shed, they are nothing that can be compared to the very beads of sweat that my heart throbs to forget. I search my soul to see if I can find a valuable solution to whichever problem that comes my way, after travelling miles to reach new people, it has found me. But why me? Why must it free the chains of restriction and cast me out into the open sea that rises and swirls so merrily? But it does not. It binds you to your very fate that lies beyond that of comprehension, that which no man has ever scaled, that of which lies beyond the very streak of faint light at dawn and dusk, that which is beneath the deepest cave that penetrates the undergrowth with its detatched chains, that which is beyond human knowledge, your destiny.

Your destiny is bound to you by what has been and what will be, the fate is something you can decide, but all in all, no matter how far you have scaled no matter how deep you have driven, no matter how high the cliffs you have overcome at great dangers, none the less, it is fate that binds you like chains to your destiny and it is destiny that guards your prison cell of no return.

So make your life worthy of your destiny, don't waste it!!

Princess You
5:12 AM

♥ Monday, February 2, 2009

The Princess ♥

I never study!! I never will!!
MUAHAHAHA!!! I tried to NOT play com for 1hour! 1!! but i couldn't...
in the end I wrote on my com screen "I am EVIL, don't touch me, STUDY!!!" but 5 minutes laer I rubbed it off and played.. -.- My life is just that...

Well... I hope guys don't see this... I need a decent husband when i grow up.. :S

And uh... well... The warmth of technology writhes deep into ones heart and soul, leaving one defenceless to the unknown that lies right beyond the barrier of temptation.

HAHA, it's a boundary that many try to break, but fail to do so, but some have tried and have left the others behind to gain supremacy over control and beliefs and have moved to the very stage where all seems blank and the universe appears bleek and open to arms.

The very touch of it makes ones heart pounce upon all that is controlled and frees the very bind that attatches one to sanity, the bond has been broken and so shall the very chains that belong to only to hold back temptation.

Slowly and carelessly one will break and collapse into the oblivion that lies just beyond the abyss a step away.

Well, I don't really know if you get it, ut it' to influence me not to play too much computer or I'll go mad.. XD

Princess You
4:45 AM